Wednesday, October 20, 2010

HAT TRICK, how I landed two younger men as my lovers

My dear Cougar friends, I have so much to thank you for and I hardly know where to begin.

But let me tell you where I begin from!


With my two lovers whom I might never had have had the courage to claim if it weren’t for you, I look out across the Seine to Sacre Coeur and smile in gratitude.

I do also wonder when we will have another new recruit?

Soon, I hope!

Come read my story, HAT TRICK, at

No longer Crazy in Texas, but Loving Life, Everywhere!


  1. Wow, Belle! You lucky thing you! Two gorgeous men? Can I borrow one? Please? Huh?

  2. Oh, Belle! Yummy guys and in large numbers! You lucky little devil. If I wasn't head over heels for Mike, I would ask for one, as well. You go, girl!
