Friday, March 5, 2010


I don't know if there's a name for it or what its called but I am in complete and total lust with that sexy deeply indented V that angles down and inward from a man's hips toward his pelvis. You know what I'm talking about? That delicious groove that makes a woman wanna trace it with her tongue. No, well I have pictures--a perfect six-pack. I'll show, you tell me if there's a name for it other than yummilicious. *BWEG*


  1. Oh Yum! I'm curious if there's a name too!

  2. Yummy Looks like chocolate candy.

    Hugs from a Real time Cougar


  3. I don't know... I think I need to lick, er, talk to dude #4 to figure it out.

  4. I do believe that sexy muscle that runs down the side of a mans' abs to his groin area is referred to as the "external oblique". Making a nice hot "vee" pointing to the parts everyone is panting over...LOL!

  5. And the delicious groove the runs right down the center of his abs is called the "linea alba". Either one suits me just fine!

  6. I don't know what you call it but I would gladly lick it any day. These pictures made my mouth water just looking at them.
